Chris & I recently celebrated our 1 year anniversary. We went camping in Hyrum, UT on the 2nd and then stayed at the Anniversary Inn in Logan, UT the following night. We had a blast. The weather was perfect. Shortly after camping the rain started coming down. We're lucky we picked the night we did!
On the 1st of June my sister & her husband, Lisa & Matt, blessed their baby, Natalie. She also won a local city's 0-3 month old girl photo contest. I got to escort her through the parade. It was fun! I hope my babies are as cute.
Shortly after our anniversary we returned home to find my scores on the National Counselor's Exam (NCE), I took on April 12, 2008. I was terrified to open it, as the test & all the study materials had cost me a small fortune, in addition to the fact that the test just SUCKS! But, I am happy to announce I passed it. In fact, I did better than passing, I kicked this tests trash! I'm on my way to getting my Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) licensure! This test qualifies me to be a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) to add to my Certified Professional Counselor (CPC) license. A lot of stupid letters if you ask me, but hopefully they each come with pay raises.
Chris continues to do well in his work with Novell. He covers the state of Illinois. He flew out to Chicago for a week last month. He received very positive feedback from companies he visited while there. He's quite persuasive, intelligent, & competent in his field. I'm proud of him. He's also loving taking care of our lawn and garden. We have one of the best yards in the neighborhood. Our aspens are taking root and the landscaping looks very nice. He's also enjoying riding the bike he bought last year now that the weather has improved. He also gets out golfing whenever he can. He loves to head to Victor, Idaho with his brother and dad for a friendly game or two of golf.
I'm currently working for an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) called Blomquist Hale Consulting Group, Inc. For those of you that don't know what an EAP is (the vast majority, I'm sure) we provide short-term counseling services to the employees of companies that contract with us. I get to see kids, teens, adults, couples, etc. I love it. It is exhausting though. I work 4 10-hour days, seeing 7-8 clients per day. I'm hoping to get my LPC soon, enabling me to open a private practice. That way I can hopefully see some Deaf clients, work less grueling hours, and possibly even make more $. We'll see...
I graduated from Gallaudet University in May 2007. Chris & his parents went out to DC with me. It was great to see everyone & FINALLY be done with school! The DC sites were beautiful as ever. I sure wish Utah vegetation grew like it does out there!
Chris & I have each gotten running shoes and are starting to run together. Chris bought me a pair for my birthday in April. I'd like to start doing a few 5Ks. Hopefully we'll get a couple in together this summer. If only they weren't always at 7:00 in the morning! I'd prefer something around 9:00 or, even 10:00.
I'm sure that's about enough for my very 1st post on this our new Francom Fam Blog.