We're expecting a healthy little boy! Due January 9, 2013. Rylee is excited. She says "Baby in there" as she points to my tummy. We have no idea on a name yet...
We took our annual family hike up Snowbird. It was a perfect day, not too hot and not too cold.
Rylee got a balance bike to start learning how to ride a bike. She needs to grow 1 more inch before she can really do it, but she LOVES her helmet! She calls it her "helmitch".

She's growing up too fast. She imitates her dad whenever she can. She's become addicted to his ski movies and always wants to go skiing in the living room. Chris plans on taking her up sometime this winter. She loves playing with her cousins and she pretends to call her Aunt Lisa or Aunt Lori on her phone, all the time.
Rylee is ready for Halloween. She is going to be a horse. I didn't think she would like to wear her costume, but once she put it on she didn't want to take it off.
Very exciting news, congrats! Hope the pregnancy has been going well :)
Congrats! That's so exciting!!
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